Tuesday, April 20, 2010

My clever little boy...

Its been a while since I told you about my funny little boog. Every day he makes me laugh with something funny that he comes up with. Lately I've been on such a "Me" kick, that I haven't given you all your "Aidyn-man fix".... So here you are lovelies.. A little dose of Aidyn..

Scene: Aidyn and I laying in bed. We had just finished reading some books, and saying our prayers. Aidyn was holding one of the three sheeps he was given for Christmas. (He asked santa for: Monopoly, a talking phone, and a sheep... Apparently My sister, BD, and I had the same idea.. and got him the exact same sheep from Bath and Body works.) He is flinging the sheep from one end of the bed to the other...

Aidyn: Mommy is my sheep fast?

Mommy: Fast like lightening.

Aidyn: (Giggles) Lightening McSheep!


We laughed at this for (I kid you not) ten minutes. His belly laugh just kept making me laugh. How clever is he? Lightening McQueen..... Lightening McSheep? He's a pretty smart 3 year old, don't you agree!?!

Now, for the "Awww" factor:

"Aidyn and Lightening McSheep!"


Unknown said...

How could you not crack up and get a big smile out of this post? LOVE IT! what a QT!!!! have a good one you hear, Jenn

staclee said...

OMG THAT IS SO CUTE!!! I love heraing these stories! :) :) They always brighten my day! Thank you!

~Tom~ said...

Who is to say that he didn't want multiple sheep to begin with? After all, the plural of sheep is sheep. lol

Thanks for the aidyn fix. I love them.

Slyde said...

that pic is precious!

Another David said...

Definitely did not know who Lightning McQueen was and had to google it. Is that a bad thing?

He & Me + 3 said...

He is too cute and quick on his feet...or on his back if he was laying down. That is funny. I love his cute lightening McSheep.

alliehallmarr said...

What a smart little goofball! He's so cute... LOVE it!!

Jenny said...

Oh, he is so sweet. Are you writing these all down in a little journal? He sounds like such a joy!

And I suspect his Mom is helping with humor and imagination! Good for him!

Lily Dawn said...

Sooooooooo sweet!! What a little smartie pants =) My boys love them some Lightning McQueen!