Monday, September 29, 2014
well, hey there.. fancy bumping into you after all these years!
Posted by Brittany at 1:09 PM 3 comments
Monday, September 17, 2012
baby update! :)

Posted by Brittany at 3:22 PM 21 comments
Saturday, September 15, 2012
Aidyn update
Posted by Brittany at 4:55 PM 1 comments
Thursday, April 19, 2012
I thought my life had hit rock bottom with the arrest and incarceration of my boyfriend and sons father... I was wrong. A few weeks after he was arrested I found out I am pregnant with our second child due this fall. After several months of throwing up, dehydration, and ER visits, things had started to get better. My entire family is looking forward to our arrival of this little pea pod inside of me. Wish the drama and excitement could end there! I promise I have enough on my plate... But it doesn't! A month and a half ago my son started complaining of abdominal pain. I brought him in and they did an X-ray. Turned oUt to be nothing more then constipation and a build up of gas... But they noticed an odd mass in his stomach. They figured it was a calcification, but wanted to check and make sure. A week ago Aidyn had an ultra sound that showed that the mass was in aidyns liver. They still couldn't tell what it was so we set up an ct scan for this morning. I was expecting the same results... A calcification... No big deal! But that's not the case. They are still unsure of what it is. The radiologist said it looks like a lesion babies get, but it goes away by around 18 months... Aidyn is 5... So it doesn't seem to be the case... The other two things it looks like are cancer Cancer... Liver cancer.. My healthy beautiful blue eyed boy can.not. Have cancer! I simply refuse to believe it. And so we pray... And pray... And pray. Next week we hope to get into the mayo clinic. They are going over his labs and scans tonight and will call tomorrow to make an appointment! I pray we find nothing. I hope all of you will too. That's why I write this. Because my God and the power of prayer are bigger then the "c" word... They are bigger then anything harming my son! So pray for him, for the doctors, for me, for my boyfriend and for this baby growing inside me! My whole family needs them! Thank you....
Posted by Brittany at 5:31 PM 8 comments
Monday, February 6, 2012
The last post was a little depressing.
I just wanted to update you, but I feel like this blog isn't where I want to do that.
I think I need to keep this blog as my journal for my son, for me, for happy stuff.
I am going to start journaling as well as keeping in touch with other women in my similar situation.
If you would like to start reading about a new (not so much fun...) journey that I am on you may check it out at My Life on the Other Side..
I also hope to start blogging some of the stuff I have missed recently. I really miss the support and friendship I had through all of you! Hope to stop by and say hi again, real soon!
Posted by Brittany at 10:00 AM 7 comments
Thursday, December 8, 2011
the wreckage.
How perfect life seemed just over a month ago.
Now things are different.
Every things different.
I wish I could blog about what is happening in my life, but I have been forbidden.
Forbidden to release all the secrets and pain in my heart.
I am not even able to call and tell my own mother.
My heart aches to release everything.
My mind goes millions of miles an hour before finally giving out and allowing me to pass out at night.
I sometimes wonder if life will ever be normal again.
If I'll ever be able to forget those images.
That panic that rose in my chest.
The tears that streamed down my face.
The scream that pulled at my lips.
Life goes on.
This I know is true.
I have managed for the past 24 years, and I will manage again.
I am strong.
Mostly because I have to be.
Today I try to ease myself into a normal routine.
Pretend to go about my life.
Pretend that at any moment the ball may drop.
That my act will be over.
That everyone will know.
And so I pray.
I sit here, with my fingers tapping on the keys, and pray.
Pray that God can heal all that has happened.
That once again I can forgive.
That my family will be okay.
But mostly I pray that God has brought us to our knees.
That he changes my family.
That he becomes the center.
That the pieces of my life fall where they may,
and that God creates beauty in the wake of my disaster.
That this wreckage isn't in vain.
This I pray.
Posted by Brittany at 8:23 AM 9 comments