Wednesday, March 3, 2010

Date night!

Aidyn and I decided to have another Aidyn-Mommy date night. We set out first in search of food and fun. We ate pizza at pizza hut, looked at toys for birthday present ideas, and went to a local restaurant for dessert.

BIG OL' CHOCOLATE CAKE! (and ice cream!) At one point he was eating with two forks! Of course this was NOT a healthy night.. but his chocolate faced smile made it all worth it.

I love date nights with Aidyn! I am pretty sure I have never been on a date with anyone more handsome or sweet! :)
How did you spend your Wednesday night?
***Pictures taken with my phone! I tried to take pictures of Aidyn-man but he wouldn't sit still! Maybe next time! ***


Kit Kat said...

That is cute! I am so glad that you get to spend time with your little guy! And that you are just such a good mom!

Brittany said...

Pizza Hut is my favorite pizza! I spent my Wednesday night in class and now I'm doing homework :-( It sounds like you had a MUCH better night then I did! You are such a sweet mom by the way :-)

Glad you enjoyed your night! ♥

~Joy said...

How fun!!! I need to do more fun things like that with my kids! What a good mommy! Always enjoy reading your posts :)

Busy Bee Suz said...

How fun!!!!!
I love date night...and a little indulgence never hurt anyone!

He & Me + 3 said...

Those are always fun nights. We went to the movies. The kids had a great time. I love the dollar shows. Cheap and still fun.

Blogs said...

How Fun! I love date nights....I take the girls separately every weekend! And cake YUM....I haven't had in a while. May have to break this weekend and go to Cold Stone! Good Ice Cream right there:)

Summer said...

Seriously, I know I say this um, always....
but you are THE BEST mom ever. =)