Monday, November 29, 2010

Lames Disease

Do you ever stop and think..

Wow, I'm kind of lame.

That happened to me the other day.

Aidyn is gone to his dads right now.

He left last Tuesday and wont be back until this coming Sunday.

So all and all about two weeks.

Have I gone out at all?


Not even once!

Which brings me to the LAME factor.

Saturday I volunteered to pick up a morning shift, and then followed that up with organizing the basement with my parents.

After the long day I found myself curled up on the couch playing Scrabble online.

Midway through a game with some middle aged man, I realized....


Here I am, child free on a Saturday night, and I opted out of a night out with friends to stay home in sweats and eat chocolate and play scrabble....?!?!

Scrabble recently replaced my Tetris addiction.

Which just adds to my lameness.

(Although I am pretty bomb at both!

And I am quite sure its much better then a cocaine addiction!)

Regardless, I have decided....

I am officially the lamest 23 year old ever.

After some major googling and browsing WEB MD I self diagnosed myself.

I have a bad case of


not to be confused with Lazy Ass syndrome.

Lames Disease is a disease that penetrates a persons desire to be social, move, think, or create. It is life altering and can severely hurt ones social life.

I'm sure theres a pill out there, but theres always fine print with those damn pills.

I'd probably just end up with diarrhea or bad acne.

And I just don't see that helping my lameness any. .....

So if you're wondering why I haven't been by lately....

Well you can blame it on the online Scrabble addiction, or the Lames Disease

Feel free to send sympathy cards and checks...

Your donation could help find a cure for Lames Disease.

Its a daily battle, but one day I hope to kick it.

With your help and a bottle of Jack, one day I will be back to the Brittany you all know and love..

p.s. Anyone want to attempt to count how many times the word "lame" appeared in this post?


Ashley said...

Lol! I totally thought that was a real disease when I just saw the title. :) I think I have lames disease too.

Unknown said...

It's probably a sign of my own impending sickness that I see nothing wrong with your Saturday night activities, and am slightly jealous of them . . .

Shelley said...

Approximately 10 times, mah dear!! Haha! Don't feel bad. I've been pretty lame lately too!

Eschelle Westwood Mumfection said...

as a 23 yr old too and a parent... i can say that i would rather stay in sometimes than go out with friends lol; their idea of fun and mine are VERY different lol.

My last post

Jumble Mash said...

Haha! I think I have it, too. On Saturday night, Boyfriend and I stay home and play video games or something similar. We ARE actually going out this weekend, though. BIG SURPRISE!

Slyde said...

thats funny. i am afflicted with terminal "awesomeness syndrome".

Copyboy said...

No sympathy!! I had lame disease all throughout the 90s and the early part of the 2000s. haha

Mireya said...

Nothing wrong with staying in for a cozy saturday night!! We have a lot of snow here where I live, so I ESPECIALLY don't want to leave the house except to go to work. Definitely going to put a damper on my girl's grey's night get togethers!

Stacey-Lou said...

Haven't been on your blog in soooo long but I have missed reading your lovely posts sweety! good to see you are still that same wonderful person! and you are far from lame!xx

Nichole said...

Very funny. What I wouldn't give for a whole Saturday to just have Lames Disease alone with just my scrabble board.

Rebecca said...

totally suffer from that myself

Jessica said...

Girl, if you've got it, I've got it. I don't have any children or any excuses not to go out but I still sit on the couch! Haha

Dancy said...

HAH! I know I'm like a decade older than you, but 99.9% of the time I'd soooooo much rather stay home in comfy PJ's and watch whatever I want on TV while enjoying some awesome snacks.

Add a glass of wine or so & it sounds like a perfect Sat night to me. ;)

P.S. - I count 12 (incl. the one in the question itself - hee)

The Invisible Seductress said...

Oh heck, so THATS what is wrong with me!!!

Truly this was a Public Service Announcement!!

You have plenty enough time..I'm 40..tik tok..dang, I just thought of a Ke$ha song..I must go cry now...

Anonymous said...

one saturday inside doesn't make you lame at all. sometime we need to chill and let go of friends for a day. people who always have to be out and doing something are lame because thats a mental illness lol

Miss Chelsea said...

screw sympathy cards, i'll ship a bottle of Jack right away!

Sarah said...

Yep I know the feeling

Blogs said...

welcome to the club....!!!!!!!eeeeeeeeek