Tuesday, September 14, 2010


A few years ago I moved to Omaha, NE.

On the way with my car jam packed full of stuff, I received a ticket in a small town in Southern, MN. Apparently the speed changed, and I hadn't noticed. The lady was nice, and brought my speed down, so my ticket price was lowered.

I went on my way, and a week or so later I wrote a check, and sent it in the mail back to MN.

A while later my mom called to inform me that I had gotten a letter saying I had not paid my ticket and my license would be suspended if I didn't pay it immediately. I told my mom the ticket was already paid, and maybe it was just not processed yet.

I called, and they said they'd make a note, but they were sure it would come through.

I never heard another word.

Until YESTERDAY! 2 YEARS later!

I got the mail yesterday afternoon, and there as a letter from the State of Minnesota. It was from Minnesota Revenue, and it looked like I owed money on state taxes. I quickly called up the number on the phone, to get information before calling my accountant.

The lady looked up the information and informed that I did not owe taxes, but I DID owe on a ticket!!!

I got the information, and called the DMV! Thats when I found out that my license was SUSPENDED!

Which means its been suspended for almost 2 years!


I haven't been pulled over, and since I didn't need a car in FL, and use my parent extra car here, I haven't dealt with insurance either! I would never have known!

I got my ticket paid, and Wednesday I can go to the DMV and pay 20 dollars to have my license reinstated! So all is well now, but THANK GOD I figured this out! I could have gotten into serious trouble! Looking back I should have called the police station back, or checked to make sure the check with through my bank, but I was young, and didn't worry about those things!

AHHH seriously! My life is rediculous! This could ONLY happen to me!


Miss Chelsea said...

Hah! This is way better than my law-breaking story today, way to one-up me!!

Anonymous said...

Holy crap! Well if you wrote a check way back when, it should have cleared the bank and you should have either been able to prove it or else cancel the check. Man that sucks! My husband had a similar situation a few years ago. It's kind of funny and you'll laugh about it some day ;)

Sammy said...

That's crazy! At least you didn't get pulled over for anything, and it's a good thing they tracked you down because you would have never known.

~Tom~ said...

You have no idea just how lucky you are. I know here in NY driving on a suspended license is a felony and you could be arrested for it. I can not picture you in a jail cell. Would make for some interesting blog stories though.

Anonymous said...

Oh wow girl. You totally dodged a bullet!

Hey Barbie said...

thanks for you comment hun!
i love reading your posts, your too funny and such a good mommy!!

Lily Dawn said...

Oh Wow!! I am so glad you found out the easy way- My brother had something similar happen where he didn't know his license was suspended and he got pulled over and arrested!! It was such a crazy situation~ so good that you found out over the phone and could get it taken care of! =)

Busy Bee Suz said...

Actually...you are very lucky Brit. :)

Brittany said...

That's crazy! You're lucky you never got pulled over in the mean time :) Like Nicole said though, if you wrote the check, the bank should be able to track it back!

molly said...

that is SO ridiculous. i hate how those things take FOREVER.

Amber said...

Ohhhh Brittany!! Winning all these giveaways, now this....LUCKYYYYYY!! Whew, well that's a good bullet to dodge. Now once you get your license back, we can arrange a meet up :)

Elizabeth said...

OH NO! Glad you found this out NOW rather then LATER!!! Ahhh!

Blogs said...

this stuff happens to all of us! your not alone! :) glad you found out...isn't it weird how things come about!

Another David said...

Same sort of thing happened to a friend of mine in Ohio a few years ago. He didn't pay a ticket for a year and then got a nice letter in the mail saying that his license had been suspended. He announced this to the fraternity one night because now he needed a ride to the court house so he could pay his ticket, adding "The moral of the story is: pay your fuckin tickets. Because they're not joking; they will *actually* suspend your fuckin license."

Kari said...

Amazing that it took 2 years to notify you. Well, glad you'll be legal again after the $20 buck renewal fee :o)

Dancy said...

OMG I got an idiotic ticket in March 09 & didn't get a court date until April '10! I thought everything was ok but Mr. B's cousin is a cop & said that it usually only takes a couple weeks & that I "better make sure there's not a warrant out for your arrest" OMG - what???? But it turned out the courthouse was just stupid & lost my paperwork.

High-five for sidestepping the po-po!! LOL