Whats my vision?
That's what I've been asking myself. What do I really want? What does God want in my life?
I don't know. I don't REALLY know what God wants with me. Where He wants me to go, or what He wants me to do.
Something my Pastor said today during the service stuck with me. "Sometimes you have to shut it all off. Your ipod, your computer, your phone, everything. Even the "Christian stuff". Sometimes you just need silence. God isn't going to scream over the top of it, to speak to you. I never have silence.
In the car theres the phone or the radio. At home the computer or tv (or both.) At school its the kids. At home its Aidyn. I am ALWAYS filled with noise. In fact even as I fall asleep I need the fan and music. When do I ever have a moment for him to talk to me?
Its time for me to talk to God. It's time for me to figure this out. I have so much on my plate right now. I am debating over moving home early or not. I don't know where to move. I just really don't know much of anything right now. It kinda makes me want to scream.
So here it is.. my goal. A half an hour every morning for devotions. Its time for me to figure my life out. It's time for me to be happy. It's time for me to define myself as more then just a "mom". I am young. I am capable, and soon... well soon I'll be exactly where I am supposed to be. I just know it. :)
good luck in finding out where you need to be.. seems like you have a pretty busy life.. everyone need silence sometimes, to just gather thoughts and think.. i hope you get it.
The first step to finding answers is having the questions. For me, setting goals that create an environment for the answers to develop is a very strong step towards getting the answers I need.
I think making time for quiet and devotion is a great way to start figuring things out!
I will be praying for you my dear! I ray that you can find time to be in silence during your day, and that God speaks to you on where you need to be at this point in your life...Blessings to you my friend!!
Silence is golden.
good luck, but I have a feeling you won't need any luck.
We often get caught up in the life of craziness and forget who we really are, who we need to be. We need moments to reinvent ourselves, take a moment each day and thank the Lord. Blogging has it's ups and downs and sometimes gets in the middle of what we need to do. I've learned that over time. I am far from family and like to write to keep them up to date with my girls but with the drama that comes with blogging (hopefully you never experience it) makes us as bloggers not want to write about our kids for safety reasons. I'm very cautious when I write about them now.
Each day is a gift. We deserve to be here and tell our stories no matter who likes it. We deserve to have a journal. We deserve to splurge and be who we wanna be.
The relationship we have with God should not come in between our relationship with blogging. Take time and enjoy it. :) God bless!
I got caught up in rambling that I forgot to mention you have an award on my blog;) Have a good day!
I figure that God just wants me to do the right thing and the path he wants for me is just that. Prayer and meditation have really helped me get in touch with this but for me, I have to do both. Prayer is me talking to God, meditation is me listening. You sound great sweetie. Keep it up. :)
The thing is, we don't really need to always have a clear vision of where we are headed. Sometimes in life we go blindly where we are lead. There is nothing wrong with that. If we always have a plan, we tend to focus on the result and miss out on all the stuff that happens along the way.....your life will workl out all in good time Brittany.
I'll be praying for you girl....Lord knows that I need some silence too. I'm proud of you for making the change.
Awesome Idea. I love it. Time out with God each day will surely boost you up!
You have such a great attitude. You WILL find where your supposed to be, just remember to enjoy the journey to finding it. :)
Home is where the heart is <3
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