Tuesday, December 8, 2009

Ugly Sweater Party!

So I decided to host an ugly sweater party. You know the kind? The kind where you "wear" the ugliest holiday sweater you can find. Usually found via your local goodwill or grandmothers closet! Yup, thats the one!

I decided that my school needed to catch my holiday bug. So I planned a little get together for next Thursday. It'll be fun to see some of my co-workers outside of work, and to see my friends dressed up all silly.

Everyone is bringing cookies/dessert to share (and to take home), and I am providing the refreshments. I'm going to make all sorts of different drinks (alcoholic and non-alcoholic), and goodies. The winner of both the baking challenge and the ugliest sweater will get a fab-u-lous gift to take home :) and possibly a trophy!

Everyone at my school is buzzing about it, and now I can't wait for it to get here! Of course per usual, I will have lots of photos to share with you. :) I think I will blog about all the preparations as well :) Since my favorite blog topic is vaca'ing for the month, I have to come up with SOMETHING to say to you people :)

Hope you are enjoying my latest obsession!

What kind of things are you doing for the holidays? Any cool gift Ideas? Let me know! and again.... HAPPY HOLIDAYS!!!!!


Busy Bee Suz said...

This will be so much FUN!!!!!
We are having our cocktail party next weekend...but no ugly sweaters...this year. I love the idea though.

Riahli said...

I was going to have an ugly sweater party too this year, how funny...didn't get to though, just a plain old cookie party instead...maybe next year.

~Tom~ said...

This is a new one to me but, what a fun idea! I am looking forward to seeing the pictures from this one!

Lori said...

Love it honey. Wish I could come in my ugly sweater. NOT. Well yes I wish I could come see you but over my dead body in one of those sweaters! :)