Friday, December 4, 2009


Right now I am kind of the house on the right. A little short of holiday spirit, but I still have my sense of humor :) I think I am all "Holiday'ed" out from school, that by the time I get home, I just cant fathom doing any decorating. I was going to muster up the strength this weekend, but since Aidyn will be gone, I think I'm just gonna say to H-E double hockey sticks with it. :) I know I am sounding a tad-bit scrooge, but just know I am saying it with a smile on my face! Plus I bet the guy on the left is going to have a lot less "holiday spirit" when he gets next months electricity bill! In fact if anyone asks why our apartments not decorated i'm going to tell them "We've gone green!" that oughta' shut em up :)!

*Heres to going green and saving the environment (and my sanity!)



Lori said...

Oh Honey, I understand. I wish I could hug you right now. Hopefully, this month will go really really fast! Love you XX

Busy Bee Suz said...

i love this photo. I do think you should still do a 'little' bit of can keep the spirit up. Get a baby tree and throw some glitter at it. :) it will make your place smell good and brighten your spirits.
Time will pass...he will be back soon.

RileyScott said...

Going Green is no longer a proper excuse as they now sell LED lights that use almost no electricity what so ever. Check out my blog from last december to see mine.

While I understand thats not the point of your post, I always find decorating for xmas to brighten my day. I hope your xmas spirit returns.