Thursday, January 14, 2010

Art for a cause

This week God has laid some thing on my heart. He has given me talents, and I need to use those talents to glorify him! The only problem I had was: How?

How was I going to do it? Then it hit me like a sack of bricks! All of you! I have gotten so much positive support about my recent art I have posted. It gave me the idea to auction off my art on my blog. All the proceeds going to a certain Charity of the week. One piece of art a week to one Charity a week.

I have several that I am passionate about, and others that I know you are! So thats where you guys also come into play! You all have such wonderful ideas and hearts. I want my readers to not only BUY/DONATE but play apart in picking what charity! What charity are you passionate about? What cause tugs at your heart? I want to hear about it, and focus on it each week. Lets try and change the world one week/art piece/cause at a time! Who's with me?

*ALSO* if you are crafty, artistic, or have some sort of trade that you want to donate to the cause I would LOVE to hear from you. Maybe you knit, draw, take pictures, etc... I'd love to showcase your talents for a cause as well!

So today my question is... What'ya think? Any ideas on how to proceed with this, or yays or nahs wold be appreciated!



Elizabeth said...

I think this is a great idea...did you get me email I sent yesterday on this...hope so!

Suburban Correspondent said...

Great idea - and I'm pretty sure I know where you would be sending the money!

MrsKraft said...

I'd donate some photography for you!