Monday, December 7, 2009


So once I caught the Christmas bug, I knew it was far from over. In fact, I am afraid this little contagious bug has gone to my head. I now have full blown Christmas fever!! My brother and I went out and completely dec'd out our balconies! They look incredible. Every time I look out at mine (through my sliding glass door! Yes, I switched rooms, and now have an entire wall in my room as windows, with a HUGE balcony!) I nearly faint! Its PERFECT!

I'm now listening to Christmas tunes, and enjoy every second of it! I just wish Aidyn-man was here to spend it with me! Although I just had a great five minute conversation with him, arguing over who loved who the most. It went a lot like this:
back and fourth. BTW "Gummy" is his new favorite word, its a substitute for "Honey"... but then, thats for another post!
So with that being said check out my facebook album here (you dont have to be a member) for proof of my holiday illness... and Happy Holidays Gummy! :)
*Warning* Looking at photos has been known to cause sudden Christmas fever, sudden urge to by ornaments, lights, and Christmas trees.
My balcony :) A winter wonderland (in fl)
With the tree <3
From outside :)
Jason's balcony/entery way


Busy Bee Suz said...

this looks great!!!! Good for you, I hope some of this rubs off on your neighbors as well.
gosh...I feel a fever coming on!

RileyScott said...

awesome lights!

Lori said...

Nice! I cannot wait until I am kissing, hugging and chasing that little guy around. I'm glad that you and Jason are doing this! XX