Sunday, October 25, 2009

Dear Mom

Dear Mom,

Thank you for never giving up on me.

Thank you for looking past all the things I do wrong and loving me just as much.

Thank you for always having an open door to your home, and saving me a key.

Thank you for never making me feel guilty.

Thank you for always being just a phone call away.

Thank you for being such an awesome Grandma.

Thank you for allowing me to figure some things out on my own.

Thank you for the best wishes when I'm sick, and listening to me complain, you're better then any medicine.

Thank you for everything you do, and everything you have yet to do.

You amaze me at the woman that you are, and I only hope to strive to compare. There are many times in my life that I find comfort in you, and today it wasn't any different. My mind, and heart at ease at the opportunity of being home with you again. Thank you for allowing me unlimited screw ups, and bandaging my ego. I love you so much, and I hope you know just how awesome you really are. :)

I really do "Love you to the moon and back!"



Riahli said...

Awwwww! Cuteness.

Busy Bee Suz said...

This is very sweet. She gives you much to aspire too right? :)

Lori said...

Oh honey...thanks for making me cry. Thank you for your kind words and for taking the time to write this. You have always been so very sweet about taking the time to appreciate me and honey that means the world to me. Every thing I do is because I love you and you will do these same things for your son and children. I will never ever give up on you because I know there is far too much in you to give up on. I see, what you cannot see my dear. I see the beauiful rose or diamond that you are and all I want is for you to see it too. I know that some day your eyes will be opened to all that lies within...all the greatness that is you just waits for you to discover it.
I love you to the moon and back! XXOO Mom

Brian Miller said...

big smiles. a great tribute to your mom. i hope to one day read one of these by my boys.

Bogey said...


This special tribute to your mother, put to rest any doubt she may have been having recently about her role as a parent. In following your Mom here in Blogland for awhile, there is absolutely no doubt in my mind, as to the kind of unconditional love that she has for you, your sisters, brothers and her grandchildren. The legacy that your mother will leave for you will rest in your heart and that of your little boy for as long as you live. I am sure that you have made her very proud. Congratulations on a wonderful post.

D said...

I grew up with your mom, she was my best friend. She always was like a momma bear and would fight tooth and nail for for those she loved. (I think she took out a couple people for me. LOL) She is real. Her wisdom comes from the pain of life, her dedication comes from love and her love comes from God! She is truly amazing! You are blessed to have her as your mom.

Smart Mouth Broad said...

What a loving tribute to your mom who is THE BEST! Can you tell I'm a fan?