
Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Stepping stone craft!

My parents have a beautiful backyard. Its huge, with a big veggie garden in the corner. We have a beautiful wooden swing near the house, a sand box, and lots of room for yard games, and for running. Its a great home to raise children in!

My parents want to start doing some landscaping, and already have lots of cute, quirky, and creative pieces for their house and yard. The last few days we have taken on a project to add to their (soon to be) beautiful landscape project!

My aunt recently made a ton, and although I haven't had the opportunity to see them, I heard they were INCREDIBLE. Between the advice we got from her, and those on the Internet, we came up with some pretty cool ideas!

I had a few cool bottles that I had been saving. Two green bottles from a yard sale, and a blue Moscato d'asti wine bottle. My niece was thrifting with my Mom when she spotted a purple glass vase! They snatched it up for a buck, and when they got home we set to breaking it into pieces!

For safety, we wrapped each piece of glass in a towel. Once it was completely covered we smashed it to pieces with a hammer. (tip: You may want to wear safety goggles!) After we got the pieces smashed up (we left some big, and some small) we dumped them into a bucket for later. The colors went together PERFECTLY!

While we were busy smashing glass, my Step-dad mixed the cement. He said that he used 5 parts cement to 1 part water. We took 2 pie (type) plates and sprayed them with cooking oil. Although several sites suggested WD-40. After covering completely we poured in the cement.

We let the cement sit for at least a half an hour. (we waited until it looked like it was getting slightly firm.) Meanwhile I worked with my glass pieces to come up with a design.

When the cement looked right, I started placing my glass pieces into the cement stepping stone. I made sure to push them in (since they were different depths) so that they were level with each other.

I think the piece turned out just the way I wanted :) !!

Now we let them sit for three days to make sure they are strong. Afterwards they'll be placed somewhere in our garden!

This project was perfect for kids of all ages! My niece of 11 pulled of this awesome piece:

and all four kids helped make this large piece:

(Use olive oil on hands before placing in cement!)

We will be making TONS more of these in the upcoming week, and I can't wait! One of the most fun projects I've ever participated in! :))

**Thanks mom for being such an awesome photographer! (ha!)**


  1. How Fun Brit~ and very pretty too! Love the colors! P.S. now you have something to link up to Next monday... wink wink... if you want. Have a great night! jEnN

  2. I'm so impressed!!! What a great project for everyone! Love the designs you guys made, too!!! And so affordable!

  3. Wo; obviously you are very talented! That is so cool; makes me wantto buy a buy a house just for the DYI projects

  4. So obviously I don't know how to spell correctly this morning; Wow. But you get what I mean ;) Super adorable especially your niece's little decoration.

  5. I love this... When my sisters and I were younger we collected sea glass, now that we are older we are not sure what to do with it. But don't want to get rid of it. What a great idea!

  6. I love this! So pretty....and fun:) Looking for more:)

  7. We made these in girl scouts when I was young!!

  8. how cute and fun! what a great idea!

  9. These are just so beautiful...will add some more sweetness to the yard.

  10. so sweet and awesome. you're the most loving person ever!

  11. very cute! we've made stepping stones for the garden too and we used shells and those shimmery rocks you can get at michael's.

  12. Great job! I think the trick with these is making sure the cement isn't all lumpy. Can't wait to see the pics of them in the yard! :)

  13. So cute Brittany! I love your flower and the one with the hand prints :)

  14. Great Idea and this Moscato d'asti wine is the super best! :)

  15. I somehow missed this detailed post, but glad i caught up - LOVELY! I really love this idea! And your design was super gorgeous!


I love you. I love you. I love you... :)