
Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Last day...

We had a HUGE photo shoot yesterday! It was my niece and brothers last day with us. They headed back to FL this morning, and we already miss them! My mom was in need of pictures of all her "Grands" so we set to work! It took all day, but we got some great shots! (and had lots of fun!)

Now on to the photos (get ready, there are TONS!) :

On the pitchers mound
On the dock

Grandma and her boys.. Jay and his girls!

Jay and Aidyn..

My Boogie and ME :)

Love this!

"The Hartmanns" (future christmas card?) I made the sign for them for their anniversary!

bare feets!

My pretty niece! :)

tallest to shortest...

They do this picture EVERY year :)

Future Twins players?

I love these cuties :)) My beautiful nieces!
Silly willys!

Jordan and Aidyn! (khaki's and red polos! Future Target workers?)

What a beautiful family I have..
These are the faces that make me realize I am blessed, each and every day!! :) LOOVEE them!!!


  1. The photos look great! And my maiden name is Hartman. :)

  2. These are great pictures of everyone! I love how they all are color coordinated :)

  3. These are the most darling pictures much so that I used the word darling!!


  4. Adorable! I just want to squeeze all their sweet, chubby cheeks!!

  5. the photos are great girly! my fave is the first one with the water in the background. 2nd fave is the tallest to shortest but they are all good!

  6. those are some great pics! (and look at you all talented and stuff with that great sign!)

  7. Awesome family photos. Your mom will cherish those forever!

  8. Oh my gosh...what a beautiful bunch!!!!!!!!! And did you take those photos yourself????

    And I have to say that you and your brother look like teenagers still, and "grandma" does not look like a grandma!

  9. These pictures look amazing!! I love the one of them standing on the dock, tallest to shortest. You did a great job taking them! I really like the sign you made too!

    So cute :)

  10. Aww adorable pictures. Even though it took a while, it was worth it :)

  11. I love these pictures!! How adorable!! :)

  12. How adorable! I love the matching outfits, very well planned.

  13. Blessed for sure
    :) I love how they turned out! AWESOME

  14. Great pictures hun, glad you can capture those memories!

  15. These are some great pictures!!!

  16. Oh my goodness you have the most gorgeous family ever!!!


I love you. I love you. I love you... :)