
Thursday, July 22, 2010

Spotlight Thursday- Ashley!

I am shmuck! I completely didn't realize it was Thursday.. Not to mention I've been crazy busy and I've missed Spotlight Thursday a lot lately. So here it is.. better late then never :)
Please meet Miss Ashley. She is adorable, her blog is adorable, and she is a fabulous spotlight for the week! She always reminds me of all the fabulous things about FL, and often times makes me miss it! But I love having little reminders of my "Heart home"! I hope you all enjoy her blog!

Name?: Ashley

Age?: Just turned 23!

Tell me about your blog: My blog is called Miss Ashley in Mississippi and I blog about my life in Mississippi, my friends, grad school, recipes, makeup, my home in Florida, shopping...basically anything that comes to mind that day!

What kind of blogs do you like to read?:I love to read all types of blogs! I follow a few cooking blogs, shopping and makeup blogs...mostly Southern blogs but I love quite a few blogs that aren't Southern!

Why did you start your blog?: I loved reading everyone else's blog so I figured I might give it a try!

Whats your favorite part so far about blogging?: Learning new tips from other girls and also meeting new blog friends!

and.. just for fun....

If you could meet anyone in the world (present or past) for dinner, who would you meet, and where/what would you eat? : Dave Matthews because he is my favorite musician!

If you had to play a character in a book or movie which would you chose?: Jackie O or Charlotte York because I love their style and my personality is a lot like Charlotte's!

Pick a theme song for your life: It's great to be a Florida gator! Haha just kidding! Probably "Love your love the most" by Eric Church

Fill in the blank....

I'm addicted to m&ms and Gator football. (This is why I love her! GOOOO GATORS!)

I would walk 500 miles for my family.

I love the smell of cotton.

Who is your celeb look alike? I'm not sure about this one! I've heard Kerri Russell but I'm not so sure. Any suggestions?

Isn't she just adorable? :) Go check her out, I know you'll love her!

I am still trying to re-organize all my spotlight thursdays, so if I haven't featured you, and you sent me a survey, feel free to re-send your survey! If you are new to my blog and would like to be featured, please click on the "spotlight thursday" page above, and follow the directions! I would LOVEEEE TO FEATURE YOU!


  1. Wow, what a nice thing for you to do on your blog!! It's a great way to spread the blog love, that's for sure!

  2. Yay that was so fun! And I totally see why people would say she looks like Kerri Russell!


I love you. I love you. I love you... :)