
Friday, July 23, 2010


My son had hair that looked like this.....
Then his dad went with him to get his haircut and it looked like this....(much better!)

Then Aidyn cut his hair and it looked like this.... (but worse, because you can't really see it. because he's cryin!)

So mommy had to cut his hair and now it looks like this....
Aidyn cried.
Mommy cried... a lot..

Now Aidyns happy!

Mommy is not.

My poor little boy! He had more hair when he was born then he does now! My weekend can only go up from here!

If you're stopping by from Friday-Follow! Thanks for stopping by! I am going to need all the love I can get today!


  1. It happens! It really does. All of the kids I've been around have done it, not while I've been there thank goodness! It will grow back!

  2. yeah, wow, that sucks. BUT! he'll be much cooler during these hot days, right?

  3. Aw. I'm sorry that sucks. At least hair grows back! :)

  4. It's okay! It will grow back, hun! At least he's a boy!

  5. At least it is summer time so you can claim that you shaved it to keep him cool! It will grow back quickly. He still looks so handsome!

  6. It happens to the best of us, just think though, he's a boy, it'll grow fast! and he's cooler!

  7. Oh no....but on the upside, he is still SUPER cute.
    Love the hat above too....have a fantastic hair-free weekend. :)

  8. Take it from me, hair is over rated anyway! lol

  9. oh my gosh!!! i know it probably doesnt make you feel better right now, but it will grow back! and boys' hair seems to grow so fast!

  10. oh poor lovie...he'll be so much cooler during the rest of the summer though.

  11. ahahaha, aidyn! i'd be super sad too (but this is pretty funny if you think about it ;)

  12. Aww!! But he still has the cutest little face!

  13. Oh my gawsh! :( At least he looks so cute and happy in the last photo! He's such a doll! Someday I'm sure you'll have a good family joke/laugh about it! :)

  14. Oh my goodness.. Aidyn - what were you thinking?!

    Oh well, he's still a cutie :) It'll grow back in no time!!


I love you. I love you. I love you... :)