Monday, July 19, 2010

My man...

is the...
smiliest... kissiest



little man I know. I am so very happy he is mine. :))))


Anonymous said...

. . . and the cutest. :)

Anonymous said...

aww how cute!

you forgot "most adorable!" ;)

Unknown said...

so cute, such fun! and he looks like his mama! love the editing on the pics. too. Jenn

Sammy said...

looks like yall had fun! I love the goofy one!

Anonymous said...

Like momma like son?? haha... super cute!

Aimee said...

i agree with the rest. he is the cutest!

Shelley said...

What a cute kid you have!! And you look cute too, of course :-)

More Than Words said...

This post totally made me smile!! Those are great pictures of you and your cutie pie!!

LovelyBee said...

OMG! Couold you guys BE any cuter??? *in Chandler's Voice*

Brittany said...

Where did you get this cutie pie?! I seriously cannot get over how adorable he is. I love your pictures together :)

V said...

Ohhhhh my goodness, this post my heart smile, so precious. I can't wait to have one of my own.

Busy Bee Suz said...

And you two are a match made in heaven!!!!

Anonymous said...

Oh girl he is adorable! You are one lucky mama. :)

sara said...


Also you have an award waiting at my place, come by and grab it when you have a sec!

Krysten @ Why Girls Are Weird said...

Awwwww! So cute!

BG said...

britt...this is just TOO CUTE FOR WORDS. such a handsome boy you have there. and hello, hottie momma!

love it.