Wednesday, June 23, 2010


Today I am doing a super happy-happy dance!

Because my baby brother is coming home for a visit- for an ENTIRE month!WAHOOOOO!!!

My brother and I have always been close, but the older we get the closer we get! (I love how that works!) He just turned twenty-one, so it will be fun to be able to take him out! :)
He flew in the morning, met up with friends, and my mom is picking him up in a few hours! He'll be home by this evening, and were hosting a bbq! I can't wait to give him a great big hug! EEEE! Now off to clean up his room, and wash some linens!

p.s. I just seen him in FL for a few days, and I am STILL this excited! :) In my defense- He was gone the entire weekend, and I only seen him for a few hours on Monday and Tuesday! :) EEEE cant wait for him to come!


sara said...

Hooray! Hope you have a great time!!

molly said...

yay! happy dance!!! have fun with your {hot} bro! sorry am i allowed to say that? teehee

Jess Craig said...

aw, that's cool!

Unknown said...

He is a cutie.... how exciting, love LOVE THAT YOU two are close, that is the best. Hugs, Jenn

Busy Bee Suz said...

This is so wonderful. I hope you have a ton of fun together!!!!

Steph @ Professors_Wife said...

Awwwh, that's so great - Enjoy your time!!! I love the photo of you all at the Twins game!

Shelley said...

It's so sweet how much you love your brother! I don't have that kind of relationship with mine! Maybe cuz they are a holes most of the time! Well, the one who still lives at home is anyway. Your brudda is a cutie!

He & Me + 3 said...

Have a wonderful time with your brother. He is adorable.

Anonymous said...

I won't even admit to how many times I had to remind myself that I'm married while looking at the photos of your brother. hahahaha. But I'm glad I'm not the only one fessin' up to how cute he is (must be something in the genes, you're adorable too!)

Don't let him read your blog ... he'll get a huge ego outta us! lol

Amber said...

Yay! Have fun! Love the fact that' he's 21 I'm sure. And double love the Twins pic---your brother and baby are too cute---as are you! :) Must be these awesome Minnesota genes :)

tara said...

aww how fun! enjoy it!

Brittany said...

Aww, he's adorable! I think its great you two are so close :-) Enjoy your time with him!

Tanya said...

it was so fun to get to see him!!! im jealous you get to spend so muc htime with him now!