Saturday, June 19, 2010

Happy Ending...

I'm allowing myself to be sad this weekend.

I'm allowing myself to listen to music like this.

Then Monday, I'm going to put on my big girl panties, and I'm going to move on. I'm not wasting anymore time hurting over a man who doesn't mind hurting me.

But for now Mika is singing for me.


sara said...

I'm sorry mama. But moving on from unhappy is always healthy.

Busy Bee Suz said...

Being sad for a few days is need to grieve and then move on from there!

Riahli said...

It's always best to get the tears out before putting on the big girl panties. Have a good long snotty cry and then hold your head high and move on! You do what ever you need to do to heal, that's the important part.

Debbie said...

its ok to hurt and cry...just don't get stuck there! YOU are strong and you will be OK!!!!

V said...

Everything happens for a reason. But its so healthy to have a grieving stage. All the power to a strong woman who can give herself limits to the days she grieves. :) Here for you. <3

Lori said...

You can do it! I believe in you honey. Something great awaits you but in the meantime enjoy the ride your on. :)

Happy Fathers Day to you too honey...even though Aidyn does have a wonderful father, much of the time you play both roles on a daily basis. I'm so proud of you! XX

~Tom~ said...

I am going to comment on this blog and the 2 before it all here.

Sadness is our hearts way of cleaning house so we can make room for future happiness. Accept it for what it is and know that God will comfort you more than any of us blogging buddies ever could.

As far as BD, he will continue to do what he does as long as you enable him to do so. People can only hurt us if we let them. They can only use us if we let it happen time and time again. Sooner or later you will reach the point of having enough. You will finally put your foot down and suddenly BD will realize just what he has given up. Thing is, by that point, you will be over him and it will be he that sits crying over what will never be.

Be strong my friend. Learn to see yourself as others do. Believe that you are truly special and you are worth loving. Until you truly love yourself, it will be hard for you to really love anyone else without wondering when it will come crashing down.......

Blogs said...

One of the greatest things I've learned throughout this crazy life, is that no matter what happens we become stronger, wiser, and more independent. I've learned to be me, love me and forget about everything that doesn't matter. The only people making us proud is ourselves and our children. I just had my 30th b-day and couldn't be more excited about my life and celebrating who I am. For the longest time I needed to impress everyone and be perfect in others eyes. I've grown so much and became the woman I truly want to be and love, regardless of what anyone else thinks. No one can give us what we really want. We give it to ourselves.

I'm allowing you to jump up on my train and ride it like never you...mauhhh xoxox

Krysten @ Why Girls Are Weird said...

It's okay to let yourself be sad for a few days lady *big hugs*