Tuesday, October 13, 2009

My sick boy :(

Aidyn hasn't been feeling good for a few days. Well scratch that, he seems fine during the day, but then right before I doze off he is up and about screaming his bloody little head off. He gets a fever, he's complaining about his throat and ears. The poor little thing is miserable. Sunday night I called and left a message at work letting them know it was doubtful I'd be in. I felt bad since we are already short staffed, and we need to be in ration for the state. They re-arranged and worked there magic and all was well....

Then yesterday I get a phone call saying that several people at the wedding we attended a week ago were diagnosed with H1N1 (swine flu). So then I started to panic. Aidyn wasn't getting better, and only slightly worse. Of course I over reacted and thought every little thing was a symptom of "the swine". I called and talked to my boss and her voice wasn't one of anger, more frusteration. Seems everyone is calling out lately. The poor thing. So I decided that I would go into work... I Felt horrible, but I didn't know what else to do.. So today we got up, got ready, and made it to work. As I was sitting and feeding him breakfast in my classroom my boss walked by. She took one look at Aidyn and said.. "Ok he can't be here!" Fifteen minutes later, we were back in the car and on our way home (after stopping by chic' filet first for mommy!)...

Aidyn is resting a lot lately, thanks to Thomas and Mouse movies! I gave him motrin all day, and his temperature stayed down. Then around four thirty I took him to the clinic. I knew we couldn't go back to work with out a doctors note....

Well the doctor told me everything I already know. "Double ear infection (again!), congestion in his chest (I could hear and feel it at night), runny nose (obviously), sore throat (aka "mommy my mouth hurts!), and all and all a horrible cold. He was tested for H1N1 and it luckily came back negative. The doctor also told us not to go back to school until Thursday. (meaning I miss three days of work this week :( ) The good thing is that I am starting to feel sick as well, and I"ll need this one last day to get myself back into good shape!

So there it is... my sick little boy is officialy sick! I have a doctors note to prove it! Isn't it funny that I needed someone with a degree to tell me everything I already know! Oh well, all is well, and I'm hopeing we are on our way to a strong and healthy little guy!

Send prayers!