Tuesday, June 16, 2009

A tribute to his Daddy.

Aidyn and Daddy the day he was born.
Since I will be posting to my daddy on fathers day, I decided Aidyns daddy needed a post to. Even if we have our differences, he is still the father to the most important person in my life. So I think he deserves a thank you.. so here it is..

Dear Baby Daddy,

It is your third Fathers Day, and if it feels anything like Mothers day, it just seems to get better with time. I know that when we got pregnant neither of us was ready to be parents, but ready or not nine months later our son was born. You were a father. Unlike a lot of other guys, you stuck around. You loved Aidyn. You wanted him. I hope that when he grows up that he loves and respects you even more for "wanting" him.

I still remember seeing you with him for the first time. You were so content, and he just snuggled into you. I know that the first few months were rough on both of us (with Aidyn being colicky) I moved back home, and you didn't get to see him that often. I still remember you looking at me with a scared look on your face whenever he would scream uncontrollably, but you did it. You learned, you became good, and now you are great. The look on Aidyns face when he see's you come into a room, or when he hears your voice on the phone is a testament to what a wonderful father you are. I love that you play such an active role in his life. You take him fishing, swimming, dancing, you sing songs, you play cars, you cook for him, you teach him, you read to him, you love him. When he looks back on his childhood I hope that he has as fond of memories about you as we both have of our dads.

When we first started talking, one of your first emails to me was you telling me about all the trips you want to take your kids on. You told me about the house you wanted to buy, and about making your own maple syrup, and hunting with your sons. I knew within days that you would be a great father, and I was right.

I know that we have both made mistakes in our personal relationship. I know that we fight, maybe more then we should, but I am happy with where we are at. I am so happy for you and the great things going on in your life and I wish you all the happiness in the world. Aidyn is so lucky that you are his father. He loves you so much that some times it makes me cry. (tear of happiness). Thank you for being there for him, loving him, and being a father that deserves a day just for him. Happy Fathers Day!

Your Baby Mama

p.s. here is a letter from Aidyn man
Aidyn and Daddy at the zoo last year.

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