
Monday, February 6, 2012


The last post was a little depressing.

I just wanted to update you, but I feel like this blog isn't where I want to do that.

I think I need to keep this blog as my journal for my son, for me, for happy stuff.

I am going to start journaling as well as keeping in touch with other women in my similar situation.

If you would like to start reading about a new (not so much fun...) journey that I am on you may check it out at My Life on the Other Side..

I also hope to start blogging some of the stuff I have missed recently. I really miss the support and friendship I had through all of you! Hope to stop by and say hi again, real soon!


  1. As excited as I was to see an update from you, I'm so sorry for what you're having to deal with. I'm adding your new blog to my reader.

  2. stay positive love!!!! Just know that we are all here to support you

  3. I've followed your blog ever since you had that "cute child contest" and I was always wondering what happened...although I'm sorry to hear, very sorry to hear, what you are experiencing, I'll be praying for you!!!!

  4. So glad to see you updating! Will check out your other blog!! I know well that life as a single mom is not so easy!!

  5. So glad to see you updating! Will check out your other blog!! I know well that life as a single mom is not so easy!!

  6. I´m sorry to hear what had happened - but, frankly, I thought of soemthing much worse. I think you have the power to go all through this and come out fine! Hugs from here...

  7. I'm sorry that you have to go through this. :/


I love you. I love you. I love you... :)