
Thursday, October 6, 2011

My little Diva

My son is very special.

He isn't like other boys.

Well he does like some things that other boys like.

He likes to get dirty.

He likes to catch bugs.

He likes to wrestle.

He likes hunting.


He also loves his care bears.

He loves to sing.

He loves to dance.

He likes to play "daddy".

He LOVES Taylor Swift.

He would LOVE to be in a pageant!

and Yes, he did tell his stylist today that his favorite colors are pink and yellow.

And yes, he pops his hip when he gets his picture taken.

and Yes, he will refuse to wear a pair of jeans because they don't look good...

or he'll change his clothes five times until he looks "cute".

And Yes, today he did pick out a Barbie coloring book.

But you want to know what?

I love him just the way he is.

I'm not going to put him in a box.

I am not going to stunt his creativity.

I'm not going to "label" him.

I'm going to allow him to like what he wants.

I'm not going to convince him to like "blue".

I'm not going to force him to buy the power rangers coloring book.

I'm not going to make him play with GI Joe's.

He is an amazing little boy, and I am so proud of everything about him.

I think he is the amazing little boy that he is, because no one forces him to be something he isn't!
So to my son.. "Aidyn, you do your thing little man! You pop that hip, you flash that smile, and you just keep being the fabulous diva, I know you are!"


I love you. I love you. I love you... :)