
Bucket List

Long term. Short term. Life time.
Big. Small. Simple. Extravagant.
My dreams. My goals. My plan.

In no particular order and always ongoing:

Watch every movie Marilyn Monroe ever starred in!
Learn to make home made bread
Move into my own apartment
Sell an art piece
Design and sew an article of clothing
Get a gym membership
Learn to swing dance
Go back to college
Travel outside of the country
Vacation to Boston
Wear a sexy Halloween costume with confidence
Go on a vacation with just my sisters
Graduate from college
Buy my own home
Watch the Twins win the World Series
Get married
Watch all the seasons of Gossip Girl
Find a Church Family
Throw a costume party
Do stand up comedy
Write a book
Meet a blog friend in real life
Adopt a child
Get a pedicure
Donate my hair to locks of love
Kiss a stranger
Paint a mural
Take a cruise
Run in a marathon
sing karaoke
Go to WE fest
Scuba dive
Spend an afternoon in a hammock
Cook Thanksgiving dinner for my family
Send a friend flowers anonymously
Volunteer at a shelter
Make a friend at a nursing home
Throw a friend a bachelorette party
Throw a surprise party
Own a dog
Hike up a mountain
Kiss in the rain
Attend a rock concert
Give money to a homeless man/woman
Join a softball team
Jump out of an airplane
Learn another language
Watch my son graduate from high school
Watch my son graduate from college
Buy a designer bag
Cheer my son on at a sporting event
Plant a garden
Go on a ghost tour
Play in a scrabble tournament
Learn to play chess
Take a photography class
Add to my antique camera collection
Own real pearls
Learn about my heritage and create a family tree
Buy lunch for a stranger
Father-daughter dance at my wedding
Go to an opera
Visit Vegas and attend a show
Meet a celebrity
Bungee jump
Buy a big comfy bed
Learn to knit
Make a quilt
Create a photo book for every year of Aidyns life
Learn to change my oil
Buy a brand new car
Go all month without shopping
Be in a parade
Be involved in politics
Drive a motorcycle
Wear red lipsticks
Take my grandma to lunch
Write a letter and mail it to a friend
Learn karate/take a class
Go fishing on the ocean
Build a snow fort
Go on a missions trip
Give a speech at a wedding
Get my teeth fixed
Build a sandcastle on the beach
Ride a horse
Plant a flower garden
Learn to do a cartwheel
Be debt free
Have a face painting booth at a festival
Cry tears of joy
Eat an entire meal with chopsticks
Fly a kite with Aidyn
Send a message in a bottle
Collect a postcard from every state
Go antique shopping and buy a big purchase
Sing a lullaby to my (future) grandchild
Wish on a shooting star
Shoot a gun
Get another tattoo
Illustrate a children's book
Visit a winery
Get a massage
Win a medal
Gamble at a casino
Play bingo
Get promoted
Learn how to apply a smokey eye
Decorate my own Christmas tree
Send in a post secret
Have my bachelorette party in Vegas
Write my own vows
Protest something I am passionate about
Stay up all night talking with friends
Start/join a moms group
Drink a great bottle of wine
Ride on a train
Drive a convertible
Rent a movie in another language/subtitles
Learn to grill
Compliment a stranger
Have more children
Buy a professional camera